How Patrick secured three $20,000 deals with the help of beCreatives videos.
Dr. Patrick Anghel is the owner of Ranch Plaza Dental Group, a dental office in Las Vegas that offers a variety of dental services. Online he’s also known as “Pat the Dentist” specializing in teaching people about proper dental care.
1 editor
300+ days together
+60 000$ generated in revenue

Dr Patrick Anghel
Dr. Patrick Anghel, a dentist based in Las Vegas and the owner of a dental practice and an online coaching consulting business, was in dire need of high-quality advertising for both ventures. His video editing skills, by his own admission, were far from adequate. In a twist of fate, he discovered beCreatives. Skeptical but desperate for a solution, Dr. Anghel decided to give it a try. He was immediately impressed by the dedicated editor assigned to him who conducted a thorough analysis of his ad objectives, delivering exceptionally responsive service.
“Since I posted my last beCreatives edited video, I was able to get 3 massive cases.”
The speed and quality of the videos produced by beCreatives were beyond his expectations, significantly enhancing the appeal and effectiveness of his ads.

Pat is a great client. He’s always clear with his requests and overall a pleasure to work with.
Editor at
The impact of the high-quality videos on Dr. Anghel’s businesses was profound and immediate. In his dental office, a single video about dentures dramatically increased his business, resulting in the closing of three cases, each worth $20,000, a success he attributes to the video’s clarity and engaging animation. Similarly, his online coaching business saw a remarkable surge in sales, a stark contrast to the results from his previous self-made videos. The transformation was so significant that Dr. Anghel enthusiastically extended his contract with beCreatives for several more months and received numerous inquiries from his clients about who was behind his video productions. This experience solidified his confidence in beCreatives, prompting a strong recommendation for their services.