360 Video Editing Services

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Video content increases engagement and familiarizes the audience with your brand’s personality. However, it requires an effective production strategy and reliable equipment. If you want to produce appealing content, you should invest in editing. 360 video editing services from BeCreatives will strengthen your brand’s image fast while giving you all the flexibility you need.

What Are 360-Degree Videos, Exactly?

Now that you know the benefits of video content, you may wonder, “What is 360 video format?” 360-degree videos are recordings made with an omnidirectional camera or several devices. These provide viewers with a visual of each direction at the same time. Other terms used to refer to 360-degree videos are immersive, spherical, and surround.

360-degree videos offer a comprehensive understanding of a scene through fascinating visuals. They are popular on social media platforms and in the education, marketing, and entertainment industries.

Three Ways 360 Video Editing Services Can Help You

Brands often need to post video clips across several platforms. While this tactic increases reach and engagement, it may consume time and resources. 360-degree video editing services help you save time you would use trimming content to meet the requirements of various platforms. If you consult an expert for such tasks, you reduce your workload and get more time for other activities. Your brand also avoids the cost of hiring freelancers.

Another benefit of 360 video editing services is efficiency. Professionals have reliable access to high-tech equipment and software. When you hire them to edit 360 videos, you won’t waste money on solutions that aren’t suitable for your content. Likewise, you will generate many high-quality videos with less workforce.

Professional 360 video editors collaborate with many brands. Hence, they have a broad perspective and understand the aspects that make content more engaging. These editing services give you the best results and value for your money. BeCreatives experts will analyze your content and provide critical feedback at a low price. After that, they might recommend suitable 360 video post-production tactics related to sound design and visual effects.

How Do I Book 360-Degree Video Editing Services?

When you want professional 360 camera editing services, schedule a free consultation with BeCreatives for a personalized strategy. Our experts will assess your needs and answer questions like, “How much does it cost to make a 360 video?”

Another way to book video editing services is by visiting our website for more information about our packages. You may also compare plans based on aspects like color correction, raw file editing, and templates. Once you identify a suitable package, complete a form to get instant access to BeCreatives video editing services. Here are some details you will provide when booking our video editing services:

· Your name

· Email

· Company name

· Payment information

If you have a coupon, you can provide the code for a subscription discount. When our system collects the needed information, you may agree to our terms and complete your video editing service purchase.

Who Will Edit My 360-Degree Video?

BeCreatives connects all clients with the right editor for their needs. We will study your brand’s style and audience before assigning you to a particular 360-degree video editor.

Our team has members in Belgium, Sweden, Ukraine, Turkey, Portugal, Spain, Lithuania, Latvia, and Italy. We also have UK video editors to serve our native English clients. You can trust BeCreatives for unlimited video editing services regardless of your requirements.

Each 360 video maker needs high-quality editing to grow their audience and maintain relevance. BeCreatives has a team of professionals offering consistent services. You can enjoy personalized video content audits when you subscribe to our plans. We also provide unlimited revisions and can deliver edits in 1-2 business days. Contact us today for all your 360-degree video needs!

Let us do the technical part!

Editing videos yourself can take a lot of your precious time, but do not worry – we‘ve got  you covered! Our highly skilled Video Editors are here to speed up the process and give you time to create more content.