Recording podcast videos is work enough for every content creator, marketer, and business owner. You’ll need a reliable company to take on the editing burden. BeCreatives offers unlimited podcast video editing services at affordable prices.
Once you subscribe, you’ll access a task management system where you’ll submit your video request. When the video editing is complete, you’ll receive an email notification to review and provide feedback on the first draft. If satisfied with the result, you’ll mark it as final and download it.
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Outsourced Podcast Video Editor vs. In-House Editor
In-house and outsourced video editors have their pros and cons. But, outsourcing professional podcast video editing services from BeCreatives is better than maintaining an in-house editor. Some of the advantages you’ll get from partnering with a high-quality outsourced podcast video editor are:
· Access to Highly Qualified Talent
Since in-house editors may limit your choice to people around your area, you’ll only access a specific level of skills or talent. With outsourcing, you’ll access professionals with vast knowledge of current trends in podcast video editing techniques and technologies.
· A Different Perspective
Your fantastic ideas can be challenging to bring to life without the necessary skills. Sharing them with an editor who’s worked with multiple clients elevates your chances of gaining a new perspective. This way, your artistic raw podcast video ideas transform into a desired final result.
· Easy Employment Handling
When you outsource podcast video editing services, you’ll only pay if the final result is satisfactory. At BeCreatives, you are allowed a specific turnaround time after you review the first draft. Usually, the first draft is delivered within two days for review, and you can request refunds within the first 14 days. However, the company always provides high-quality podcast video editing services.
Podcast Video Editing Services gallery

Why Your Podcast Needs BeCreatives
You’ll need to hire dedicated podcast editors to create perfect podcast videos. BeCreatives is the best online service provider and is easy to work with. For one, you’ll access a pre-defined order form with everything the editors need to begin working. This way, you’ll save more time. Apart from that, they also work on one video at a time and only move to the next one after you review and mark it as final.
What Is Included in the Price
BeCreatives offers Scale and Pro video-editing plans for podcasts at an affordable price. The Scale video editing costs $899 per month and includes a number of possible add-ons, unique video templates, and thumbnails. Pro is an advanced video-editing plan that requires $1,999 per month. However, the price includes several hundred dollars worth of add-ons, custom video templates, and real-time collaboration with your Slack editor.
Both plans are also inclusive of resizing, subtitles, and engaging animations. In addition, you’ll get a 1-2 days turnaround when you subscribe to the Scale plan and a same-day turnaround when you go for the Pro plan. In addition, both give you the option of getting 10% or two months off, depending if you go for a quarterly or annual subscription.
Video Editing Services for Your Business
BeCreatives make your podcast videos stand out. It offers time-saving, flat-rate podcast video editing services for business owners. These professionals focus on your business objectives and reduce your hiring costs by about 70%. Schedule a call to harness our video-editing prowess for your business today!